Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stu Visser Vegetation Management

Stu Visser Vegetation Management

Over all stu Visser trails has great plaint life and does not have a lot plains that should not be there. Like all of west Michigan, Stu Visser trails does have garlic mustered sead plaints. Who knows how they got here and why but the spread like wild fire. They grow to be about 2-3 feet tall and spread like grass. Stu Visser does have some mosterd seid but it look like Ottawa county keeps them under control. Unlike vakent lots by my house, those lots are full of them just because no one takes care of them . 

Unlike Winstrom park, Stu Visser park does not have scotch pine in it. Scotch pine do good in Michigians climat and soil but they are not native and dont have a long life. People plaint them to stabilize the soil witch is a good ides until the trees life comes to an end. Stu Visser will never look barin like Winstrom park does now. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Stu Visser trails Animals and Food web

Stu Visser park has a lot of animals throughout the park. The park has quit a big food web with all the animals throughout the park. With out the top predators like eagles and coyotes, the smaller animals like rabbits, squirrels and other smaller animals would be over populated. Thats how the whole food web works, its the circle of life and everything has its own way of evening out and keeping the populations under controle.

Fish could also be part of the food web. In Stu Visser trails there is a couple f ponds and a river running through the property. Also the river that runs through the trails is from lake Mac so fish must swim up stream and even up in the park. Fish are great for the ponds and river because they clean the water. Some speaceys of fish eat the algae that keeps the water clean. Also other fish eat the smaller, high populated fish to keep the population under controle.

Its hard to be for surten when happend to this egg but the egg could be cracked from a scavenger like a raccoon and takin the baby robin out of its shell and ate it. This is just a good example of the natural cycle of life. The Robin could of been have been born and became a new born Robin or it could of been eaten by a bigger animal.

As fare as insects go, we saw no sign of the Emerald ash barar in Stu Visser trails. This is a good thing so they are not killing our trees. But im am sure there is trees in this area that are infected with the insect.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Time at Winstrom

At Winstrom, signs of spring are evident. Although the trails of the park are closed because of the removal of the Scotch and Austrian pines. We were still able to see signs of spring. The trees around the parking lot are budding with lots of color and the grass is thick and green. The birds are chirping away at the sun rise and the smell of pollin is everywhere. Spring is here and we can see this through all the life in nature.

Life of spring is popping out of everywhere. After all the snow is melted, the grass starts to come back to life along with the budding trees and animals coming out of their homes more and more. Now that the snow is gone, the squirrels and other animals can regain their stash of nuts and other food. Nature is done with its winters rest and is coming back just as beautiful as last year. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Winstrom Park solid pollution

As far as solid pollution in Winstrom, there is not much. We found a little bit of trash/garbage in the creek and on the ground but nothing to be concerned about. Whether Park township does a good job at cleaning up after the residence or people just use the trash cans like they are suppose to. Who know but the park is overall a neat, clean park. Also with the removal of all the trees that is being done right now, the woods will stay neat, with little to no fallen trees. 

Overall in the 200 acros of Winstrom there is about .09 square inches of trash per acre. This is all from small cigarette butts and small little peaces like that. We found about 18 inces of trash in the 200 acres and thats how we got .09 square inches of trash per acre. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Winstrom Park Energy

Winstrom Park Energy. 

Winstrom has a lot of different ways it produces energy. Things like wind, light, water and food energy. The Woods of Winstrom is full of food/carbs for all the animals, witch is the metabolism energy. Metabolism energy is the process that a living cell needs to survive. That process is the chemical reaction that happens in the cells of a living organism to sustain life. Budding plaints, acorns and things or that nature are where animals get their energy from witch is the Metabolism cycle.

More on this at: